
Showing posts from 2018

Stop smoking with Jedi mind tricks

The main difficulty in tobacco withdrawal is a generalized feeling of anxiety or tension. You cannot find any precise location of your discomfort or cause for your anxiety but you know tobacco will fix it. One way to answer this difficulty is not with tobacco, but with a relaxation protocol that reduces tension regardless of the cause of that tension. Instead of sneaking off for a smoke, take a ten-minute meditation break. Get the tension out of the way and you have less to cope with in quitting the leaf. One way of doing that is with the Relaxation Response method. I recommend that one, of the various meditative relaxation methods available, because it is well researched to make it as simple as possible and to ground it in Western science as opposed to Eastern mysteries. You can learn about it from the above free video or from the best-selling book, below. Here is the mind trick: When you are in the Relaxation Response mental state, you do not crave tobacco, even if it has

Charcuterie board

A really good charcuterie board contains multiple interesting flavor combinations. It invites your guests to find their favorite mix and match flavor ensembles. One of the essential skills of chaphood is the ability to throw together a cold platter. It is a fine way to escape having to cook and still put on a feed for guests. A good charcuterie board begins with good meat, not the cheap stuff. Use several kinds. Do not be afraid of unconventional choices such as braised beef or Chinese roast pork. There seems little reason not to include a few strips of crispy bacon. Nearly everyone likes bacon and it is quickly and easily prepared using the microwave . Italy appears to have made cold meats a national priority. There are a couple dozen varieties of salami, there are cured meats such prosciutto, and lots and lots of other types. I consider a stop at the Italian market essential in setting up a cold dinner. While I am there I get some olives too, to serve on the side. For pât