
Showing posts from April, 2017

Zoning rules

How the Friend Zone is destroying America « Hot Air : " After all, if you’re a girl who’s not in a relationship, it can be awfully handy to have a 'friend' around who might be good with tools, able to change a tire, capable of lifting and carrying heavy things or is just willing to walk back to the car with you after dinner when you realize that new restaurant you were dying to try turned out to be in a pretty sketchy neighborhood. And if you never made him any promises and he’s willing to do these things anyway, what’s the harm? . . .  "[Guys are]  unwilling or unable to bring up the subject and just keep on thinking, “ pay my dues in the Friend Zone and one day she’ll promote me to boyfriend .”    Picture credit: Odyssey Online Read more at the link above. Laugh if you've been in the zone. If you're there now, consider leaving.  You will be able to laugh afterward, something you're probably not doing now.

Horse quaffs beer

In a reverse on an old joke, this horse takes in beer rather than letting it out. It's good for what ails him and the story is a nice one. Link: This horse drinks a Good People beer a day | : 'via Blog this'