Chap's Chocolate

File:Becher Kakao mit Sahnehäubchen.JPG
Photo courtesy of 4028mdk09
Autumn is not far off, and winter comes after that. Be prepared with this chocolate toddy recipe.

For each serving:

1 heaping tablespoon of brown sugar
A like amount of cocoa powder
6 oz. water

Heat the above ingredients in a pan, stirring as needed. When the mixture is without lumps, bring it to a boil, then remove it from the heat.

Into a mug, pour 1-1/2 oz. rum
Pour the hot chocolate atop the rum
Top the drink with whipped cream
Sprinkle the whipped cream with ground cinnamon

...and serve.

Variations: If you wish, substitute marshmallows for the whipped cream. Or substitute cocoa powder for the cinnamon.


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